Monday 20 April 2009

D-rad tour update #1

Disasteradio are playing in Bishop, California tonight. It's a private party unfortunately so there's very little point in this post, other than to show you how special Bishop looks.

bishop cali

Bishop also has this...

gem bishop cali

... which is the GEM - The Galactic Emission Mapping Project. The first GEM observations were made from near Bishop, California at this place. Pretty cool if you're a space-geek like myself. It's alright, I'm not invited to the party either...

Watch this space for more D-rad tour updates and general LPR news.


Tomatohead said...

Feel free to stop by if you are in California. We all enjoyed the Disasteradio Experience!!!!

p.s. the "Big Ears"/CARMA have an open house once a year. This year's was yesterday.

Little Power/Yellowbird said...

Ah thank you! I've gotta say, I checked some photo's out of your neck of the woods ... and wow! It's beautiful.

Haha "Big Ears", that makes sense. That place looks amazing. I might have to check that out one year.

P.S. I had a secret competition, that the first commentor on this blog would get a free release. If you're interested, just drop a message to my e-mail here: and I'll sort you a free release, no worries if you're not! :)