Monday 29 June 2009

UH OHs advert video

I've just found this site... which makes movie's out of script. Endless fun. Here's my UH OHs advert...

New Neon Mussolini tracks

The Neon Mussolini has uploaded a couple of new tracks! A demo of a very new track called "Someone Else's Child" and "Fox Head". Both should feature on Neon's full length album. You can listen to them here:

They are belting.


UH OHs single out today!

The UH OHs single "I Cant Wait/I Am Underdog" is out today! You can pick both tracks up for £1.58 via iTunes or you can get a limited edition art-card and the tracks for £2. Art-cards can be purchased through the band if you happen to catch them on the tour or through either of us via e-mail (myspace is blocking some PayPal links.)

If you've got the cards and codes, enter them here to get your tracks:

Or just e-mail us through that site to get your art-card and the tracks!


Friday 26 June 2009

UH OHs single out on Monday!

Monday is the official release of the UH OHs double single, "I Cant Wait/I Am Underdog" on Little Power Records. Get your copy and art-card for £2, just head over to our myspace page!

There has been a few problems with myspace apparently blocking the links so if the purchase link doesn't work, just e-mail us!


LR Rockets gig tonight!

Tonight, LR Rockets are playing at The Enterprise in London, which looks like this...

The Enterprise

If you need reminding who these guys are, then look no further...

"Lovesucker" by LR Rockets from Little Power on Vimeo.

D-rad tour update #29

Tomorrow Disasteradio is playing at Be Cool in Barcelona...


Barcelona is one of my favourite places in the world and the Be Cool club seems pretty neat itself. Hell Is For Heroes have played their in the past and I still get excited over that band.

Thursday 25 June 2009

D-rad tour update #28

Disasteradio is playing at Bistrot Quentin in Dijon, Bretagne tonight...

Dijon, Bretagne

If you're in the area, come along! If you're not in the area, but need some nice mustard, why not kill two birds with one stone?

Wednesday 24 June 2009

D-rad tour update #27 (and vid from the Fete De La Musique)

D-rad is in France for a gig at Le'Mile Vache in Metz tonight...

L’eMile Vache, Metz, France

And here's a video of him playing the Fete De La Musique in Paris (check out that dancing)...

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Language gig tonight!

Tonight if Shoreditch isn't enough for you we've also got Language hitting Proud Galleries in Camden...


UH OHs Tour Update #6

UH OHs should be slaying The Old Blue Last in London tonight, so if you are in Shoreditch tonight for some muzak look for this...

The Old Blue Last

D-rad tour update #26

Tonight Disasteradio is playing Weirdofest 3 Festival, Belle Vue in Brussels, Belgium...

Brussels, Belgium

So if you happen to be in town, why not check them out!

Friday 19 June 2009

Language are back!

Language are playing at 93 Feet East tonight!

93 Feet East

Just in case you need a reminder who these amazing guys are...

Here's "Macadamia"...

"Macadamia" by Language from Little Power on Vimeo.

and here's "We Are Here"...

"We Are Here" by Language from Little Power on Vimeo.

D-rad tour update #25

Tonight Disasteradio is playing Bar 25 in Berlin...

Bar 25, Berlin

Saturday see's Luke hit De Spot in Middleburg...


and Sunday D-rad is in Paris playing the Fete de la Musique...

Fete de la musique, Paris

UH OHs Tour Update #5

Tonight UH OHs are at The Junction in Cambridge...

The Junction

and tomorrow the band are playing The Apollo Club in Harleston...


Thursday 18 June 2009

D-rad tour update #24

Disasteradio is playing at the London Club, Wien in Vienna tonight.


And here's a video of D-rad performing the track "Hotline" to 2000 Slovakian's at the Wilsonic Festival in Bratislava...

Wednesday 17 June 2009

UH OHs Tour Update #4

UH OHs are playing at Barhouse in Chelmsford tonight! Also, they've got the art-cards to sell for their single which is coming out on the 29th of this month! So if you're in Essex coem and check them out.


D-rad tour update #23 (D-rad Video Tour Diary #5)

Here's the latest D-rad Video Tour Diary! It features a banging house party in Bishop, California- at the lovely Tricia's house no less (the first commentor on this very blog).

Also, D-rad are playing at Pinkout @ Club Velbloud in Budweis, Czech Republic tonight. That is, providing their transport crisis is averted. Last time I heard the band were stranded somewhere in Europe (not the Czech Republic) as their van broke down and to complicate matters the van is so unique that the only place which can supply parts to fix the problem is in Liverpool... so fingers crossed guys. I know the parts have been sent to them double-quick time... so good luck there guys!

Budweis, Czech Republic

Friday 12 June 2009

UH OHs Tour Update #3 (plus JAS update)

UH OHs are at the Norwich Arts Centre tonight with Pulled Apart By Horses. I think this should be a really cracking gig.


Also, did anyone hear UH OHs on Huw Stephens BBC Radio 1 show last night? Huw played "I Cant Wait" on his show. Nice work guys!

Oh and our Texan wunderkind, John Allen Stephens is also playing at The Meridian on Sunday in Houston. We're catering for all nations!

Houston, Texas

D-rad tour update #22

Disasteradio is playing Synch Fest in Athens tonight...


and the Wilsonic Festival in Bratislava, Slovakia tomorrow...


Thursday 11 June 2009

UH OHs Tour Update #2

For all you good folk from Ipswich and surrounding area's, UH OHs are playing at The Swan tonight...

The Swan, Ipswich

If you're in town, why not check them out!

Wednesday 10 June 2009

UH OHs Tour Update #1

Our latest signing, the fabulous UH OHs are playing at Bardens Boudoir tonight...

Bardens Boudoir

It's a veritable Norwich invasion as The Kabeedies, Violet Violet and Fever Fever are playing too! This is the first date in the UH OHs tour so get on the band wagon if you're in London tonight. I'd be there myself if I wasn't suffering from a man cold.


Oh and the art-cards are back from the printers, so expect the advance copies on sale at the next few UH OHs dates.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

D-rad tour update #21

D-rad is playing at Rog in Ljubljana, Slovenia tonight. If you just happen to be in Slovenia... then why not head over to Rog to catch his set!

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Monday 8 June 2009

Psychic TV 3 Review

Neon Mussolini (aka Simon Elliot), Joe Mason (Frisco Farr), James de Ara (the best photographer I know) and I went to the PTV3 gig last month. It was sensational, so me and James decided to try and shop my lacklustre writing with his great photo's to some music magazines. I think we left it a little too late... either that or my writing is well shit (probably) as no-one picked it up. So I thought I'd slap it up on the Little Power blog.

Psychic TV 3
@ Bardens Boudoir
Sunday May 17th

This third incarnation of Psychic TV, PTV3, played their only UK tour date to a sold out Bardens Boudoir. This lone date is presumably in reflection of Genesis P Orridge’s self-imposed exile from the UK, an exile which begun some seventeen years ago. If you are unfamiliar with vocalist Genesis P Orridge you could be forgiven for mistaking his hobbling figure, dashing through the early comers at Bardens to the backstage area, as that of a shy and slightly crazy, bag lady. For the uninitiated, Orridge is an iconic musical pioneer often regarded as one of the founding figures of industrial music with his other band Throbbing Gristle, but also now infamous for his “pandrogyny”. This “pandrogyny” was an artistic project which saw the surgical modification of Orridge and his now sadly deceased wife (and former PTV3 member) Lady Jaye, with the intended conclusion being a blur in distinction between their respective genders, so that both lovers meet in a genderless middle ground. Hence the silicone breasts on his heavily tattooed body and having a face which screams “facial surgery” more than Mickey Rourke’s.

All this aside, Orridge’s vocals are an acquired taste, his voice so unique, but tonight if you “get” what s/he does then Orridge is flawless. When PTV3’s anti-war song “Higher And Higher” kicks in, the band is in full flight with Orridge gesticulating wildly at the front or miming shooting the front row with an invisible machine gun. The frantic pace is lowered for “New York Story” which is played in memory of Lady Jaye, while behind the band a video screen displays images of her and Orridge in a psychedelic montage of post-surgery bandages and fetish wear.

“Papal Breakdance” later in the set shows just how powerful PTV3 is live, with its explosive chorus and Lou Reed’s “Foggy Notion” (with a spacey jam in the middle) ends the night.

Words: Josh Reed
Pictures: James de Ara

PTV3 James de Ara

PTV3 (de Ara) #2

PTV3 (de Ara) #3

PTV3 (de Ara) #4

PTV3 (de Ara) #5

Friday 5 June 2009

Something more for the weekend?

Tonight UH OHs are co-hosting the BBC Norfolk Introducing Radio Show. Sounds like it should be sweet. They're on at 19:00 and right after that they're dashing over to the Mustard Lounge in Norwich to DJ from 22:00...


If you're in London tonight and need some muzak, then LR Rockets are @ Club Fandango at The Wilmington Arms...

Wilmington Arms

They're also at Club Blub in Bishops Stortford on Sunday...

LR Flyer Bishop Stroford, Club Blub

Have a good weekend.

P.S. I've heard a brand new John Allen Stephens song... wow. I can't wai to share with you his album!

D-rad tour update #20

It looks like the D-rad gig at The Old Blue Last isn't going ahead tonight as Luke's still in France.


I think it's fair to say The Old Blue Last gig is off then!

Although D-rad is playing in Delft, Zuid-Holland in the Netherlands for a gig at Koornbeurs on Saturday...

Delft, Zuid-Holland

And is at Oui in France on Sunday. Grenoble, Rhône-Alpes to be precise...

Grenoble, Rhône-Alpes

Thursday 4 June 2009

D-rad Tour Diary #5

Here's the fifth installment of the Disasteradio Tour Diary. This time... Death Valley!

Monday 1 June 2009

LR Rockets @ Catch

LR Rockets are playing at Catch tonight down the famous Kingsland Road, Shoreditch. If you're in the area, why not check out these lovely lads. They really are sterling fella's!

Catch, Kingsland road, Shoreditch

D-rad tour update #19 (D-rad Tour Diary Day #4)

Here's the fourth installment of the Disasteradio Tour Diary... Las Vegas part two.

Featuring fellow newly weds, Luke's verdict on the Vegas light-show and burger hat's!